About Nexco East Group

About E-NexcoAbout NEXCO East Group
Nexco East Group

Business Areas of NEXCO EAST GROUP in Japan

Names of junctions and interchanges under construction (information valid as of July 1, 2021) are tentative.

Group Profile

NEXCO East Group is one of the largest expressway companies in Japan that conducts construction, service area and expressway management related business in the East Japan region.

  • Date of Establishment
    October 1, 2005
  • Capital Amount
    JPY 52.5 billion
  • Address (Head Office)
    Shin-Kasumigaseki Building, Kasumigaseki 3-3-2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8979 Japan

Expressways Currently Operating

  • Road length in operation (km)
    3943.0 km (As of July 1, 2023)
  • Traffic volume
    2.91 million units per day (FY2022)
  • Toll income
    JPY 2.17 billion per day (FY2022)

Expressways Under Construction

  • Length Under Construction
    84.7km (As of July 1, 2023)

Rest Areas (Wayside Amenities)

  • Commercial facility
    196 Places (As of July 1, 2023)
  • Facilities (Not Commercial)
    132 Places (As of July 1, 2023)
  • Retail Store Sales
    JPY 153.2 billion (FY2022)

Group Management Principle

NEXCO East Group Management will contribute to the revitalization of the entire nation’s economy by supporting the development of regional communities and improving their lifestyle by maximizing the effects of expressways.

Social and Economic Effectiveness of Expressways

Regional Development Improves the Quality of Life

Boosting the Nation’s Economy


Group Management Vision

NEXCO East Group will create a value that connects all stakeholders and work towards a prosperous society transcending regions, countries and generations while growing as a company.

The Environment

An Environment Friendly Group


A company that satisfies its customers

Local Communities

A company that has ties with local communities and contributes to local development

Stakeholders and Investors

A company that responds to expectations based on clear management responsibilities.


A company where each and every employee feeds the value of his / her career.

The Public

A company that public can trust.

Business Partners

Fair, transparent and honest business relationships

Global Society

A company that contributes proactively to the needs of global society.


Group Management Policy

NEXCO East Group puts its customers first by improving the safety, reliability, comfort, and convenience of the expressways.

NEXCO East Group applies its technologies and expertise in order to contribute to society based on fair and transparent business activities and provides accurate corporate information.

NEXCO East Group optimizes business resources to improve its customer services and corporate value, and establishes sound management with a never-ending pursuit of efficiency.

NEXCO East Group respects the efforts and results of each employee and values their motivation and challenging spirit.

NEXCO East Group promotes CSR management that contributes to all stakeholders including customers local/global societies, the public, the environment, shareholders, investors, business partners, and employees.


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